Care & Support

The Grange has an outstanding reputation for care and support, due to the warmth, training and character of our staff. We are proud to have a long-established team with a broad range of complex skills and personal attributes, who work uncompromisingly to create a safe and comfortable environment for those who choose to make their home here.

“Words cannot express what is in my heart in appreciation of all the love and care given to me.”

We help you to live as independently as you wish, consistent with your individual needs, and our Support Options help you obtain the best value. Please see the Options link below for details.

With the exception of hospital treatment the Grange is qualified to provide End of Life Care as a vital part of our Lifetime Care provision. So should your health decline or your mobility become impaired, the skill and resources necessary to care for you are here in your own home 24 hours a day. As you would expect, we work closely with the local G.P’s. and Community Nursing Services, and assist in obtaining all other N.H.S. services.

For more information visit our Frequently Asked Questions page…..

“We carry forever with us many happy memories of Margaret living in her home at Dystlegh Grange, safe in the knowledge she was so well cared for. What you have at Dystlegh Grange is unique and very, very special.”