Gift your elderly relatives world-class assisted living facilities in Whaley Bridge for retirement.
Taking care of elderly relatives is challenging if they need constant assistance. Hiring professionals to do house visits is equally tedious and costly. While many families have aversions to nursing homes, you may find the new and improved retirement communities very welcoming. Instead of the hospital room set-up, many modern retirement communities provide high-quality living facilities in vibrant environments. These retirement communities or villages rejuvenate and revive the spirit of several residents through communal programs, social activities and a vacation lifestyle. The communities are also exciting places where friends and family can enjoy visiting.
Our retirement community staff focus on keeping our residents joyful and upbeat in a peaceful and tranquil environment. In Whaley Bridge, our assisted living facilities are under the watchful supervision of highly trained caretakers. Our staff is warm, friendly, and skilled to support aged or ailing residents. We aim to help you feel as independent as possible as we nurse you back to complete autonomy where possible. We are qualified to provide extensive living assistance including, End of Life Care. We can also provide 24-hour home care if your health or mobility declines. We work closely with the local GP and Community Nursing Services should you need specialised medical assistance and access to N.H.S. services.
We have been providing high-quality assisted living facilities in Whaley Bridge since the early 1980s. Our location was originally the “nineteenth hole” of the local golf club. As such, we enjoy lush green surroundings and unparalleled tranquility. As it is on a peaceful golf course, so is it in our gardens. We encourage companionship and friendship by bringing residents from different walks of life to share life. Our approach has immense health and therapeutic benefits and rejuvenates our residents’ spirits significantly. Contact Dystlegh Grange today for more details about our assisted living facilities and packages. We are always happy to welcome new residents for long or short-term stays.