Assisted Living in Handforth

Assisted Living in HandforthAssisted living in Handforth is an ideal solution to those who are mainly independent but may need help with daily living personal care tasks such as bathing and dressing. It can be a difficult time when you realise that your elderly aunt needs more care and assistance in her daily living. Dystlegh Grange offers affordable, comfortable and well managed assisted living facilities.

Discuss the options of assisted living with your aunt. In Handforth, assisted living means that your aunt can live as independently as she wishes. Many are hesitant to leave the home they have lived in for most of their lives, for fear of becoming dependent on others and not being permitted to continue their daily activities. At Dystlegh Grange, we provide carefully planned accommodation that is suited to her needs. We have 2 different suites available – the Lyme Apartment and the Chatsworth Open Plan Studio. Both have been thoughtfully designed with an emphasis on detail. They vary in size and cost, and each has its own balcony or patio. Some of the suites are suitable for couples. Your aunt will receive the support she needs from our highly dedicated and fully trained staff. She will eat nutritious and delicious meals, freshly prepared by our chef, in our dining room. If she prefers, she can request meals to be taken to her suite.

Assisted living in Handforth can bring peace of mind to your aunt and to the family. If you are interested in the available assisted living options, contact Dystlegh Grange. We understand the importance of the familiar, and your aunt is welcome to bring a favourite armchair or other pieces of furniture. Pets are allowed, and your aunt can move to her new home with her beloved cat. Many activities and social occasions are part of the life here at Dystlegh Grange, with different daily social and recreational opportunities for our residents. If your aunt enjoys cooking or singing, or sitting chatting in the garden, she will feel right at home at Dystlegh Grange.

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