
The thought of moving home in later life can understandably bring about mixed feelings. Is there  somewhere that can offer more support, companionship and purpose?

Supporting You

Certainly, it is a time to consider carefully the relative merits of the choices available to you. Should Dystlegh Grange be one of your options, you’re likely to discover somewhere that could provide the opportunities to help you manage the changes later life can bring. Somewhere refreshingly different that could be truly home.

"Dystlegh Grange is a beacon of excellence in retirement care".

You can also choose to stay with us for a short period of time. This may be for a holiday, or it could be following illness, or for post-operative convalescence. Whatever your situation, you can be confident that you will enjoy the benefits and assistance that you are looking for.

Advice and Support

We'd love to hear from you, if you want to get in touch you can use the form below to drop us a line.